Vancouver Marketing Consultant & Business Coach Blog | Andrea Coutu

RFID target marketing hits Seattle

Awarea, a Seattle startup, will launch target marketing via radio frequency identification (RFID) next week. People carrying special keyfobs will trigger broadcasts from six RFID reader stations atop Qwest phone booths in the downtown area. Depending on their unique profiles, passersby will receive personalized messages about special offers from Amex, Columbia Records, Omaha Steaks and […]

Fear, Greed & the Corporate Blog

Are fear and greed the motivations for corporate blogging? Corante’s Many 2 Many group thinks so. The article claims that fearful companies sue, distract or avoid blogs and bloggers. In comparison, enlighted companies turn to blogs and bloggers as a source of competitive advantage. By leveraging innovation, these firms edge out the competition, in a […]

Blog: what is it?

A blog is short for “weblog”, a web-based journal of entries presented in reverse chronological order. Written by one person or several, a blog can present comments, links to other websites, images, video and other content. Some blogs allow others to add feedback. People who write blogs are known as “bloggers”. Most bloggers use web-based […]

Wal-Mart goes Amish

Wal-Mart’s new Ohio store caters to the Amish. Complete with hitching posts for horse-drawn carriages, plain fabric, blocks of ice, and non-electric appliances, the store opened to the public this week. Talk about taking mass products to a niche market! Wal-Mart, one of the world’s biggest retailers, recently committed to save one acre of wilderness […]

Toronto Star article references me

The Toronto Star mentions me in their May 16th article on Canadian business blogs (free to register). The article explores the trials and tribulations Canadian companies face in blogging. It also goes into a surprising amount of detail about how Dairy Queen reacted to one of my past posts. Incidentally, despite the Star write-up, this […]

Why you need to proofread

This is one of today’s headlines from The Vancouver Sun: “It’s election day get out and vote”. (Above link may decay.) (c) 2005 by Andrea Coutu. Vancouver Marketing Consultant. All rights reserved.

Beware the Heat: Pepsi

“Beware the Heat” commercials are airing across Canada. The ads show a parched, 20-something guy in a gritty city during the dog days of summer. It’s obvious that the guy is hot and thirsty, but the ads mysteriously close with “BewaretheHeat.com”. The BewaretheHeat.com site shows the ads, but tells little. The campaign is designed to […]

Molson marketing contacts — don’t ask me

In January, I posted an article about some dealings I had with the marketing team at Molson. Since then, I’ve had a surprising number of requests for contact information for Molson’s VP and CMO. I haven’t handed over this information for three reasons: It would be unethical to do so. Information disclosed to me by […]

B2B Marketing Consultant Version of Deadly Sins

B2B marketing consultants have their own version of the deadly sins, according to Rick Whitmyre. Five Deadly Sins of Marketing are forgetting the audience, jumping over strategy to tactics, expecting miracles from creative, underestimating your website, and misunderstanding public relations. I know from my own experience that less experienced marketers tend to think marketing’s all […]

Vancouver 6000

Vancouver 6000 — what does it mean? According to a search engine tool I use to identify popular keywords, about 3900 people searched for “Vancouver 6000” last month. Can anyone tell me what this term means? (c) 2005 by Andrea Coutu. Vancouver Marketing Consultant. All rights reserved.


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