Magazine photos of models retouched in Photoshop — maybe you’ve heard of them. Via Lisa Manfield, my long-time client, comes this before and after reveal of a mock magazine cover.

I asked her about the reveal. “I think it’s great that someone has taken the time to really showcase what goes on behind the lens in magazine photo retouching,” says Manfield. “Too many people take what they see on magazine covers at face value, and it helps to see what the reality truly is.” Manfield is the vice-president of the BC Association of Magazine Publishers, former editor of Realm Magazine, and a contributing editor to Backbone Magazine.

As for me, magazine photo retouching is old news. My university textbooks had examples and I certainly saw some clever edits when I worked in publishing. And the Jamie Lee Curtis spread from a few years ago was interesting. But this is the first time I’ve seen a step-by-step account on the web. If you’ve seen other examples, let me know.

(c) 2006 by Andrea Coutu. Vancouver Marketing Consultant. All rights reserved.