Could your company profit from marketing to the growing Hispanic American market? Today, Adweek announced plans to launch a magazine for advertisers who want to target Hispanic consumers.* Written in English, monthly Marketing y Medios will launch to 18,000 readers in September. Target audience members include corporate marketers, advertising executives and media buyers.

Wondering just how many Americans are Hispanic? More than 13.3% of Americans are Hispanic, reports the US Census Bureau.* In spite of this, many advertisers continue to overlook the growing Hispanic market.

Mainstream culture increasingly shows Hispanic influences. Music, dance, and food borrow from Hispanic culture, reflecting the increased buying power of Latinos. Between 1979 and 1998, the Hispanic middle class grew 80 percent, according to market research from Latino buying power will jump 60% by 2007, making up 9.4% of US buying power.

It’s clear that the US Hispanic population will represent a formidable market opportunity. Visionary companies, such as Hershey and BB&T Corp have customized their marketing to reach Hispanic customers. Other companies are lagging and missing out on a great opportunity. Entrepreneur Magazine has some tips for marketing to Hispanic American consumers.*

(c) 2004 by Andrea Coutu. Vancouver Marketing Consultant. All rights reserved.

*Expired link