Vancouver cafe understands marketing
The Blue Edge Organic Cafe in Coal Harbour really understands marketing. The Blue Edge has a good understanding of its target market and has created a whole product to meet the needs of that market.
Situated at the foot of Nicola Street, adjacent to the Coal Harbour Community Centre, the cafe has stunning views of the marina and mountains. It also showcases local art works. But the most noticeable thing about the Blue Edge Cafe is its child-friendly atmosphere.
The Cafe’s owners obviously recognize the draw of the community centre. Parents and tots attend parent-infant drop-ins, toddler playtimes, kids’ activities and other family activities. With the Blue Edge Cafe just next-door, it’s obvious where coffee-starved moms are going to head. So the cafe has several high chairs, a kids’ menu and an expansive play area, complete with toys and a toddler-sized table. With these features, the Cafe doesn’t need to do much to advertise. Parents inevitably tell other parents about the wonders of the cafe.
It’s interesting that other downtown cafes and restaurants haven’t caught-on. Earls recently went to the media to say that kids aren’t welcome in their restaurants. But why don’t more restaurants target families? With three schools packed to capacity and a fourth due to open in the next couple of years, the downtown peninsula could accommodate a few more kid-friendly restaurants. Perhaps a few more shops and restaurants will re-evaluate their strategies. Not every restaurant or cafe need welcome kids and their parents, but you’d think a few could see the strategic value in it.
Their service, however is awful!
Yes, since I wrote the above post, the service has gone way downhill. I waited in line for about 10 minutes to get a coffee recently, before leaving for another place. It’s not on my “to go” list anymore.